2008年3月31日 星期一

Companies Pressured to Deliver Customer Relationship Management( 顧客關係管理) Access Anywhere Turn to Software-as-a-Service Solutions

Companies are increasingly challenged with the task of delivering customer integration to an ever-growing constituency without placing additional burdens on an already stretched IT staff. For this reason, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is an attractive option for organizations because it provides a flexible self-serve platform that can be used practically anywhere by a virtually unlimited number of users. A recent survey conducted by Aberdeen, a Harte-Hanks Company, revealed that only 7% of respondents will not consider purchasing Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 delivered via SaaS. The move towards SaaS as the preferred delivery method for a CRM system is due in part by the need for organizations to find efficient ways to increase the productivity of a diverse sales force.
The top pressure causing all organizations to focus resources on SaaS as a Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 delivery method is the need to provide access to account information anywhere to an increasingly mobile and global workforce. Best-in-Class companies indicated that they currently blend organizational capabilities, such as the ability to provide remote access to employees (95%) and CRM security processes (57%), with technology deployment to positively affect the productivity of sales reps, while reducing the IT constraints that would accompany an on-premise solution. As a result, Best-in-Class companies have reduced Time-to-Close 30% more than Laggards. Furthermore, 71% of Best-in-Class companies integrate lead management technology with a CRM solution to provide increased visibility into the sales pipeline.

“Companies choosing on-demand Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理delivery are more pressured to provide remote access than those that choose on-premises CRM. A built-in benefit of Software-as-a-Service is being able to log in to the system through any web browser,” explains Gretchen Duhaime, Senior Research Analyst at Aberdeen. “The potential downside, however, is the threat of login credentials falling into the wrong hands, and sensitive customer information being exposed. Best-in-Class are more likely than Industry Average or Laggards to have CRM security processes in place, regardless of deployment model.”
The report demonstrates the value of collectively leveraging organizational practices in process, performance measurement, knowledge management and technology to maximize the productivity and efficiency of an organization’s Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 system and sales force. By utilizing CRM/SFA (90%) and system access restrictions (67%), Best-in-Class companies are able to provide their employees with a secure repository of account, contact, and customer information.
The research educates readers on how to leverage organizational capabilities to support CRM implementation. The report also provides the results that Best-in-Class companies achieve across key sales metrics after employing processes and technologies and compares these companies to the Industry Average and Laggards who have not yet pursued a similar strategy.
Quote from http://crmweblog.crmmastery.com/?p=1018#more-1018
Technorati Profile

2008年3月29日 星期六

Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理

Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理

The better a business can manage the relationships it has with its customers the more successful it will become. Therefore IT systems that specifically address the problems of dealing with customers on a day-to-day basis are growing in popularity.

Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理 (CRM)is not just the application of technology, but is a strategy to learn more about customers' needs and behaviours in order to develop stronger relationships with them. As such it is more of a business philosophy than a technical solution to assist in dealing with customers effectively and efficiently. Nevertheless, successful CRM relies on the use of technology.

This guide will outline the business benefits and the potential drawbacks of implementing CRM. It will also offer help on the types of solution you could choose and how to implement them.

Subjects covered in this guide
Why Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理 (CRM)?
Business benefits of CRM
Types of CRM solution
How to implement CRM
Potential drawbacks of CRM
Questions for CRM suppliers
Here's how CRM software improved my business
Quote from http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/layer?topicI
Technorati Profile

2008年3月28日 星期五


結合多年主持與指導企業信息化的實戰經驗,談一些顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)趨勢分析,和企業信息化過程中選型CRM應該注意的方向。這些觀點完全來自多年來工作、合作的總結,想信會對CRM的企業選型、咨詢、實施部署以及CRM產品開發有一定指導意義。

它的受眾群首先是顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)的客戶,包括企事業有CRM需求的實體單位,也包括從事CRM咨詢與實施服務的機構。本文作者具有近10年企業信息化實戰經驗,早期參與過著名上市軟件公司的CRM產品研發,主持過商業智能產品的研發,之後有3年時間專注ERP的咨詢與實施工作。近2年全面負責某著名跨國咨詢公司的 CRM事業部的業務,並擔任國內外多家管理咨詢機構的特聘專家顧問。可以通過folinyang@hotmail.com(Email & MSN)和其取得交流。
1. 顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)市場趨勢

 市場需求廣泛




 成長型企業需要特殊對待

幾十年改革開放和國內經濟的迅速發展,國內企業的企業活性和規模一直發生著日新月異的變化。由於急需有效的工具和手段來管理急促上升的客戶與交易,成長型企業對顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)的需求異常迫切。成長型企業的共性之一是管理流程上的可變性大,CRM咨詢專家需要與成長型企業共同較長時間地坐在一齊提出一個適合於企業自身的CRM方案,而絕不是采用CRM的“最佳實踐”。


 “融合”需求普遍

在業務需求上,除普遍關注顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)中的營銷、銷售、服務之外,企業對典型CRM功能之外的需求相當普遍。比如,分析客戶財務狀態、與分銷和發貨相關的庫存管理、費用管理、分銷管理;比如關心服務配件與產品的BOM對應關系,以及CRM中的訂單處理、庫存調整等對財務、成本的影響等等。這裡之所以談“融合”,而不是 “整合”,因為客戶認為這些需求是其個性化CRM基本應該具備的功能。而不是引入另外的系統,然後與CRM“整合”。當然,如果有些系統部署在先並且堅持在用,這種“整合”就再所難免。


 跨區域,全球部署


 市場有待引導

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)理念的導入日漸成效。但企業決策者對需要什麼樣的CRM,CRM能夠帶來哪些實實在在的價值,缺乏明確的認識,大多依靠咨詢顧問的宣導。這其中,一定要求未來的CRM用戶在實施的初期階段有個清晰的認識。無論是管理咨詢機構主導,還是企業本身主導,包括CRM理念、CRM價值分析、 CRM功效在內的前導工作,是必不可少的。只有參與者達到一定的共識並能夠積極參與,才能較大化地發揮CRM的作用,保證項目的成功。

在CRM 理念的引導上,很多人已經做了很多的工作。但是,有關CRM價值、實施方法、CRM功效、應用規模等方向性的引導工作,一直以來很欠缺。相對於幾近成熟的 ERP咨詢項目而言,CRM咨詢項目正是部分地由於市場引導的不力,使大多數即將部署的CRM項目,一直遲遲不前。
Quote from http://www.amteam.org/k/others/2007-3/544673.html
Technorati Profile

2008年3月27日 星期四


我國銀行業已經進入以客戶為中心的客戶管理階段,因此顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)對於中國銀行業來說是格外重要。事實上,自數據大集中之後,各商業銀行都建立起自己的 CRM系統,開始從“以產品為中心”向“以客戶為中心”轉變,這使得服務質量有所提升。那麼,如何建立一個有效的CRM系統並讓它發揮應有的價值?

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)關鍵是找客戶


實現這六個目標的基礎性條件是:企業通過分析型顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management),首先要建立一個統一的客戶信息庫。舉個簡單的例子,一個技術非常完備的呼叫中心,如果沒有正確的客戶信息來支持呼叫中心的運作,企業將很難讓客戶得到百分百的滿意。這也就是企業要想讓操作型CRM真正發揮功效,必須要與分析型CRM進行集成。遺憾的是,目前在國內,能夠實現這個基礎性條件的軟件供應商為數不多。這六項功能幾乎是所有CRM工作的基礎,表明了企業對客戶知識的真正需求。從而可以簡單解釋為什麼CRM受到青睞。

銀行顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)適合外包



在外包模式下,銀行能更有效地感受到商務智能的效益,不僅可以改進營銷效率,增加收入和邊際利潤,並且可以回避高得驚人的系統開發成本和員工成本,並低風險地享受迅速的方案部署。總之,將 CRM外包給服務提供商,公司就能夠將精力集中在自己的核心能力和核心業務上。那麼,銀行將CRM外包就會一勞永逸了嗎?對多數用戶而言,外包策略不同程度地存在著諸如缺乏個性化服務、存在安全信任與管理控制隱患等問題。因此,IT外包一定要有監管,要有流程,要保證服務品質。

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)的標准化

IT 是一個受標准限制的東西,不同行業差別很大。即使是相同的行業,如果技術員開發的標准不同也會產生差異。如果今天所有的銀行都采取同樣的標准,同樣的數據模型,所有的系統都在這個基礎上開發,那麼整合就是固定的,未來隨著業務的發展、管理的發展、流程的改造、服務的加強而需要對IT進行變更和擴展時,就會變得非常容易。


從銀行本身來說,標准化的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)可以用最小的成本付出,對現有的資源進行整合,從而提高銀行的核心競爭力,應對激烈的市場競爭。從這個意義上講,建立一套標准化的 CRM不僅是銀行業如何面對挑戰的需要,更是激烈的市場競爭對銀行提出的要求。
Quote from http://www.amteam.org/k/CRM/2008-3/609751.html
Technorati Profile

2008年3月26日 星期三

顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management) 陷入尷尬 應用難成氣候 (二)

2. 強調協同,並與其他業務系統實現無縫集成與融合

在業務需求上,企業用戶除了關注顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)中的營銷、銷售和服務外,對典型顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)功能之外的需求也日趨強烈。比如,分析客戶財務狀態、與分銷和發貨相關的庫存管理、費用管理、和分銷管理等。另外,還包括服務配件與產品的對應關系,以及顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)中的訂單處理、庫存調整等對財務和成本的影響。這就要求顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)具有良好的可擴展性和融合性,並能拓展到企業的財務、成本、庫存、分銷和呼叫中心等領域。因此,強調協同化,並與其他系統實現更多的無縫集成與融合就成為了必須。

近年來,不少企業建立了自己的顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)系統,並也陸續引入了OA、ERP、SCM、EHR等系統,這些系統在提升企業管理效率的同時,也形成了各自為政的信息孤島,而且很難形成整合效應來幫助企業更高效地管理和決策。

因此,顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)更應該具有較強的協同功能。廠商要從用戶的需求出發,做好與前後端數據的結合,更重要的是內部的協同。比如與ERP、OA、財務等系統更好地融合與協同,並能把企業中已存在於OA、MIS、ERP和財務等系統中的企業經營管理業務數據最大程度地集成到工作流的系統中,使得系統界面統一、賬戶統一,業務間通過流程進行緊密集成,而不必切換到不同系統再進行調用,查閱數據也就能更方便自如。

3. 以無線化為發展趨勢,超越時空實現移動網絡化的營銷管理

移動協同應用將成為未來顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)的新亮點。信息終端的應用正在全球範圍內全面推進,3G移動技術在中國的應用已是指日可待,並將會逐漸普及,這會使得融合了計算機技術、通信技術和互聯網技術的移動設備(PDA、筆記本電腦、手機等)成為個人必備的信息終端。在此載體上的移動協同應用也將是未來管理軟件的一大亮點,實現無處不在、無時不在的實時動態管理將會給傳統的CRM帶來巨大的飛躍。

因此,顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)應該能夠適應這種發展趨勢,並朝著無線移動營銷管理的方向邁進。國外一些主流的顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)廠商所提供的軟件就正積極地利用現代手機移動技術,使顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)的移動銷售管理、無線掌控變得可以信手拈來,隨時隨處應用。
Quote from http://www.amteam.org/k/CRM/2008-3/609920.html
Technorati Profile

2008年3月25日 星期二

顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management) 陷入尷尬 應用難成氣候 (一)

顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)陷入尷尬 應用難成氣候

如今顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)已逐漸成為了國內熱門的管理軟件之一。然而,毋庸諱言的是,不菲的價格、各實施單位系統的復雜多變和執行的巨大難度,致使國內顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)實施的成功率不到30%,顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)似乎已經陷入到了一種“高級擺設”的尷尬境地。

事實上,目前,顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)軟件在客戶需求、產品成熟度、項目實施度、廠商實力和渠道基礎方面都弱於OA和ERP等系統軟件,在國內的普及率也還很低。英國貝恩管理咨詢公司的一份報告指出,國外企業使用CRM的失敗率高達65%。相信國內實施CRM的狀況會更糟糕。這也讓業界對CRM產生了一個不太好的印像 ——味如雞肋,食之無味,棄之可惜。

那麼,為何近年來顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)軟件並未顯現出如ERP、OA等的紅火場面呢?反而是凸顯“冰火兩重天”呢?下面的幾大問題困住了目前的顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)。

一是顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)缺乏專業化和細分化的解決方案。不同行業有著其不同的業務需求和業務流程,CRM應該根據企業所處的行業、其行業在市場中所處的地位,以及本企業的特點來有針對性地實施CRM。比如大企業與小企業、制造業與零售業、上中游企業與下游企業對CRM實施的側重點是不同的。但現在,大部分 CRM的研發者缺少親身體驗這種差異性的經歷,只是通過對客戶的簡單了解,在冠以所謂“通用性”的產品上做些加加減減的工作。這樣的做法並沒有真正實現以用戶為中心的理念,設計人員在理解和研發上存有偏差,很可能就成為了今後客戶在升級、維護過程中的重大障礙。所以,如果開發商不考慮用戶行業和企業的特點,在推廣應用中將會導致接連的失敗。

二是在設計顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)產品時缺乏整體系統的掌控。從CRM的產生來看,主要是為了著力於對外部資源的整合,如消費者、供應商、營銷商和代理商等,但如今 CRM被更多地當做了企業信息化過程中的一個子模塊。然而,在時間和技術等方面存在的差異、在設計中的思維局限,使得CRM 與企業信息化中的其他模塊存在接入的瓶頸。無論企業ERP、CRM或OA系統是否采用同一家企業的產品,它們之間都難以自然地接入融合,從而導致了企業內部模塊化信息傳輸的瓶頸,互為割離,就更難於有效地提高企業的管理水平。

三是忽視了顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)流程的改進和集成。大多數企業用戶都很看重CRM 系統與訂單處理、庫存與供應能力管理及結算等後台業務系統的集成。但現在,開發商所提供的CRM解決方案,大多采取游離於企業簽約、交易、合同履行及服務支持等業務環節之外的獨立應用系統模式,這就無法實現與企業內部應用系統的有機集成,也就是存在著理論與實踐、開發與應用上較大的脫節,沒有體現出CRM 的實用價值,這在很大程度上影響了CRM的發展。


可以說,顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)對用戶來說是機遇與風險並存。如何抓住機遇、規避風險是用戶和提供商都需要認真考慮的問題。然而更重要的是,如何把握好CRM。



比如,有些企業側重業務流程的處理,有些企業側重信息挖掘和決策支持,而有些企業則注重銷售成本的控制;再如,生產季節性產品的企業,要求顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)在時間因素上考慮得更多些,生產耐用產品的企業,則對客戶忠誠度方面要求較高。這就不能以“通用化”來簡單地處理,否則很難提供有深度的優質服務。因此,面向不同行業提供各種細分化解決方案是CRM產品賴以生存的基礎,這不僅考驗CRM的設計水平,也檢驗CRM廠商的市場把握水平、盈利率和發展潛力。
Quote from http://www.amteam.org/k/CRM/2008-3/609920.html
Technorati Profile

2008年3月24日 星期一

Companies Pressured to Deliver CRM Access Anywhere Turn to Software-as-a-Service Solutions

Companies are increasingly challenged with the task of delivering customer integration to an ever-growing constituency without placing additional burdens on an already stretched IT staff. For this reason, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is an attractive option for organizations because it provides a flexible self-serve platform that can be used practically anywhere by a virtually unlimited number of users. A recent survey conducted by Aberdeen, a Harte-Hanks Company, revealed that only 7% of respondents will not consider purchasing CRM delivered via SaaS. The move towards SaaS as the preferred delivery method for a CRM system is due in part by the need for organizations to find efficient ways to increase the productivity of a diverse sales force.

The top pressure causing all organizations to focus resources on SaaS as a CRM delivery method is the need to provide access to account information anywhere to an increasingly mobile and global workforce. Best-in-Class companies indicated that they currently blend organizational capabilities, such as the ability to provide remote access to employees (95%) and CRM security processes (57%), with technology deployment to positively affect the productivity of sales reps, while reducing the IT constraints that would accompany an on-premise solution. As a result, Best-in-Class companies have reduced Time-to-Close 30% more than Laggards. Furthermore, 71% of Best-in-Class companies integrate lead management technology with a CRM solution to provide increased visibility into the sales pipeline.

“Companies choosing on-demand CRM delivery are more pressured to provide remote access than those that choose on-premises CRM. A built-in benefit of Software-as-a-Service is being able to log in to the system through any web browser,” explains Gretchen Duhaime, Senior Research Analyst at Aberdeen. “The potential downside, however, is the threat of login credentials falling into the wrong hands, and sensitive customer information being exposed. Best-in-Class are more likely than Industry Average or Laggards to have CRM security processes in place, regardless of deployment model.”

The report demonstrates the value of collectively leveraging organizational practices in process, performance measurement, knowledge management and technology to maximize the productivity and efficiency of an organization’s CRM system and sales force. By utilizing CRM/SFA (90%) and system access restrictions (67%), Best-in-Class companies are able to provide their employees with a secure repository of account, contact, and customer information.

The research educates readers on how to leverage organizational capabilities to support CRM implementation. The report also provides the results that Best-in-Class companies achieve across key sales metrics after employing processes and technologies and compares these companies to the Industry Average and Laggards who have not yet pursued a similar strategy.
Quoted from http://crmweblog.crmmastery.com/?p=1018#more-1018
Technorati Profile

2008年3月23日 星期日

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)在美洲銀行的應用

美洲銀行以美國西海岸為中心,擁有約2000家營業網點和7000多台ATM,為 1100多萬顧客提供服務,每日業務處理量達1600萬件以上,ATM的每日交易量約為2600萬次,擁有北美最大的顧客資訊資料庫。美洲銀行的資料倉庫型顧客關係管理系統,分為批發業務與零售業務兩個體系,是美國銀行業中開發運用比較成功的一種顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)。

1996 年,美洲銀行開發出稱之為SaleNet的應用軟體,並配置到各營業網點。Sa1eNet具有10個畫面,採取對話形式檢索,以及可以及時回饋傳輸資料的軟體系統,目的在於選擇銷售HomeEquityLoan顧客物件,分析顧客特性。與導入SaleNet前相比,美洲銀行直接向顧客發送郵件減少40%,反應率達97%,貸款成功率達21%,新貸款4500萬美元。隨著SaleNet的推廣,美洲銀行面向個人融資總件數中,65%是借助資料倉庫型顧客關係管理系統挖掘分析的資訊,通過電話直接推銷而成功的。

隨後,美洲銀行逐漸將資料倉庫型顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)與電話銀行結合起來,向每天甚至每時更新資料、深入發掘資料倉庫型顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)潛力的方向發展。美洲銀行引進資料倉庫型顧客關係管理系統後,在資料處理上可以更低的成本、更綜合的方式分析出有用的資訊。比如,以前需要6個多小時、30多美元的費用才能檢索出的資訊,現在只要幾分鐘時間和20多美元的費用就可以實現。

同時,以前不容易得到的一些分析事項現在也可以實現了。如在顧客收益性分析中對其交易成本的分析、ATM及櫃檯平均交易成本以及顧客交易次數等。1997 年,美洲銀行在行內設置100多處資料倉庫型顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)的利用終端,1500多職員有權使用這些終端。這些職員每天平均檢索3000次以上的資訊,面向全行數千職員提出各種報告。該系統的檔由5000個表格及50000個欄目構成,由40多個子系統供給源資料。系統可以線上提供13個月的時間序列資料。若需要以前的資料,則通過複讀磁片記錄恢復出來。

分析美洲銀行實施顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)成功原因,一是將資料倉庫技術運用於顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)研發,不僅提高了系統的穩定性與時效性,而且提升了各類資訊的綜合利用率。資料倉庫技術最大的優勢就在於它的集成性、面向主題和資料挖掘能力。美洲銀行的顧客關係管理系統採用了資料倉庫技術,使得系統的回應時間加快、成本費用下降、資訊價值提高。二是注重人的因素,全員的參與使全行上下均能聚焦顧客服務。

行內上千名員工成為系統的用戶,每天查詢大量的顧客資訊,有針對性地選擇目標顧客進行行銷,大部分的成功案例均是借助資料倉庫型顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)系統挖掘分析的資訊。這使得全行上下都認可以顧客為中心的經營策略,接受顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)的理念與系統,並運用于實踐,體會顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)所帶來的效益。三是分階段實施,由一個主題應用開始逐步展開。在確定了實施的業務內容與需要的資訊來源後,按照零售與批發這種類型的顧客分別開發系統,並在功能實現上逐步延伸,分階段進行。
Quote from http://www.amteam.org/k/crm/2005-12/515984.html
Technorati Profile

2008年3月22日 星期六

上海大眾顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)

2007年首季,上海大眾銷售超越10萬輛,實現“開門紅”;四月份,其銷量也一舉突破4萬輛。在這些漂亮的銷售數位背後,除了產品本土化革新所打下的堅實根基,顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)(顧客關係管理)亦功不可沒。在上海大眾,顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)已經逐漸成為企業的核心戰略之一,並在發展過程中逐步形成了自身特色。

與顧客共鳴,創造最具攻心力的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)

上海大眾的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)已經超越了單純的顧客關係管理軟體本身,而成為一項重要的商業策略,在上海大眾由產品導向向用戶導向轉變的過程中扮演著重要的角色。在此戰略下,上海大眾將品牌形象與顧客體驗相聯接,通過跟蹤顧客行為和交易記錄,分析顧客行為與市場活動的相關性,進而指導和調整品牌宣傳和品牌形象的塑造,同時,通過品牌傳播和活動策劃,引導顧客的品牌體驗,最終形成良性的品牌顧客關係,實現閉環行銷。

  事實上,上海大眾的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)從本質上講是將企業的創新能力與消費者所珍視的價值聯繫起來,為消費者提供價值創新,使其獲得最大程度的滿足,從而使企業永遠活躍在“與顧客共鳴”的浪尖中。這樣,就更為有效地實現了與顧客的深層次溝通。

量體裁衣,塑造最具生命力的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)

在顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)體系的運作模式方面,上海大眾採取了企業為主導的業務模式,根據自身發展及市場需求自主開發。企業對整套顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)體系擁有自主知識產權和綜合開發能力,並可根據市場及業務發展情況靈活地調整,具備適應越來越多樣化、複雜化市場需求的擴展性。

在實施方面,上海大眾的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)發展由最初的小規模試點、局部實驗,到全面推行,將先進的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)理念與務實嚴謹的大眾態度相結合,在實踐中不斷調整和優化,使顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)項目不斷得到完善。目前,上海大眾顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)體系由“顧客資訊管理”和“顧客關係管理”兩大環節構成,並形成了一個良性的螺旋型上升的閉環行銷模式。

整合核心優勢,打造最具戰鬥力的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)

在“顧客生命週期管理”理念的指引下,上海大眾整合核心優勢以強化顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)的競爭力。目前,上海大眾顧客服務中心已逐步發展為集電話、直郵、傳真、電子郵件、短信及互聯網等多樣化顧客溝通管道于一體的整合性顧客溝通平臺,結合經銷商廣域網和車主俱樂部,初步形成了整合性的關係行銷架構。不僅如此,上海大眾顧客服務中心更是連續三年獲得“中國最佳呼叫中心” 稱號,並獲得了“五星級顧客服務中心”認證,成為中國汽車業規模最大的五星級顧客服務中心。與此同時,作為國內保有量最大的轎車生產企業,上海大眾產品和行銷服務網路也遍佈全國各地。目前,上海大眾“四位一體”經銷商和特約維修站總計達到600多家,形成了分佈最廣、布點最密的轎車行銷與售後服務網路,而五星級顧客聯絡中心的認證則從服務品質上保證上海大眾對所有車主的全天候服務。

經過幾年的精心經營打造,目前,上海大眾的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)管理無論在深度還是廣度上都有了實質性進展,不僅在市場上贏得了消費者的信賴,也得到了行業的專業認可。就在前不久,上海大眾成為汽車行業中唯一實現“顧客管理大獎”“三連冠”的企業。對於上海大眾來說,顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)無疑已經成為企業搶佔競爭至高點的一個重要砝碼。
Quote from http://www.amteam.org/k/crm/2007-5/564846.html
Technorati Profile

2008年3月21日 星期五

Service Department Personnel Gets an "A" for Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理) Use

Service department staffers in particular catch on faster, says Brad Perry, founder of Dealer Socket, a CRM (顧客關係管理) firm based in San Clemente, CA.

He cites three reasons. For one thing, service employees, such as technicians and advisors, are more technically oriented, and therefore moreadaptable to learning how to use a new software system. "They are used to dealing with computers," Perry tells Ward's.

Secondly, they work in a department that is more process oriented, making them more inclined to use a process-driven system, he says. "Sales is arts and science, but a lot of sales people lean more towards the art side."Finally, service department employees tend to stay at their jobs longer. The turnover rate for dealership sales personnel is much higher.

A big obstacle to implementing a dealership-wide CRM system is training employees, only to have them quit soon afterwards.Perry sees a vicious cycle: "A lot of dealerships don't use CRM systems because of high employee turnovers,but often the turnover is because employees aren't succeeding at their jobs, and they're not succeeding because they're not using CRM."

As a prelude to designing their CRM technology platform. Perry and business partner Jonatlian Ord went to work at a Southern California dealership. For free.For one year."We'd sit together and unload all the ideas and insights we had absorbed and come up with ideas to make things workbetter," Perry recalls. "Then the next month, we'd move to a new department."He says their research convinced thema successful CRM system has much to dowith the culture of people in different departments that make a dealership work on a daily basis.
Quoted from WARD'S DeaierBusiness December 2007
Technorati Profile

易飛網(ezfly.com)顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)

易飛網(ezfly.com)成立於1999年7月,並於2000年1月正式開站。易飛網是由海外的Cayman Island的ezfly.com Holding Corp.控股公司及國內企業所聯合投資成立的電子商務公司。易飛網的旅遊產品由誠信旅行社提供,而誠信旅行社由易飛網集資成立。產品的來源以國內機票為主,佔年營業額四分之三,所有機票來源是投資者及結盟夥伴提供,即遠東、立榮、復興航空公司。團體套裝產品由其他旅行社提供,誠信旅行社並無設計旅遊產品。

(一)顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)之顧客管理
(二)顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)之行銷管理
3. 資料庫行銷-易飛網的資料庫建置採用SQL Server7.0作為其資料庫平台,搭載在兩部IBM Netfinity 6000r主機之上,其使用的作業系統是Windows 2000 Advance Server,另外還裝置了Exp200 Storage作為儲存備份裝置,主要是採取集中式的管理。SQL Server的優點在於它相當地容易管理,而且具備了各式各樣的Solution整合,加上簡單易用的開發工具,可以讓IT人員加快其開發網路應用程式的速度,縮短了非常多的時間。
(三) 顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)之銷售管理
(四)顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)之顧客服務管理

Quoted from www.nhu.edu.tw/~society/e-j/59/59-07.htm
Technorati Profile

美國沃爾瑪超市的顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)

關於顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)資料挖掘提供的最有趣的例子就是沃爾瑪啤酒加尿布的故事。



Quoted from http://www.rfidchina.org/readinfo-22280-133.html
Technorati Profile

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 在零售業的應用分析


  近10年來,零售業特別是連鎖超市發展迅速,行業競爭不斷加劇,行業整體利潤下降。與此同時,隨著中國零售業市場准入條件逐步放寬,國際零售業巨頭紛紛登陸,如美國的沃爾瑪、法國的家樂福、德國的麥德龍等。這些超級連鎖零售企業雄厚的實力、先進的管理理念、出色的服務讓國內同行感到了巨大的競爭壓力,對顧客的全方位關懷和服務的思想開始為零售業商家所重視,顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)在這個行業內正在升溫,許多企業都表示在近幾年內要有所行動,有的企業則已經躍躍欲試開始策劃了。目前,顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)系統在我國零售業已有初步的應用,諸如EDI(電子資料交換)系統,POS(電子收款)系統的運用極大地提高了我國零售企業的銷售水準,使得超級市場等新的零售業態在市場競爭中獲得了較大優勢,但顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)系統的應用還是簡單的、不完整的。零售業要實施完整的、合理的顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)解決方案,還面臨著一系列現實問題:


  無論是百貨業還是連鎖超市,在與用戶交易之前或交易過程中不會取得顧客的詳細資料,零售企業要取得顧客的詳細資料是比較困難的。如一家大型超市可能說一周有幾十萬個顧客,但無法說清有多少不同的顧客,顧客有什麼類型,顧客的偏好、特徵是什麼等等問題。這對一家大型超市來講是非常遺憾的,雖然擁有眾多的顧客,卻對其顧客缺乏瞭解。因此,零售企業要設法主動地獲取和記錄顧客的資料,通過資料挖掘、資料分析來認識顧客的行為和偏好,瞭解顧客消費模式及習慣的變化,培養企業的顧客洞察能力。   顧客與零售企業的接觸管道不靈活





  零售企業為了應對國內外同行的挑戰,構築起競爭優勢,積極實施顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)是十分必要的,在實施過程中,應注意採取以下的策略:






  顧客智慧的含義是通過一定的技術手段對呼叫中心或線上網站提供即時支援,搜集顧客資料,識別、區分、理解顧客,把握顧客個性化需求,針對不同顧客採取不同的策略,實現所謂的一對一行銷或個性化服務,從而提高顧客的滿意度、忠誠度。亞馬遜書店的成功就是充分利用了顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)的顧客智慧的一個典型例子。當你在亞馬遜書店購買了圖書之後,其顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)系統會記錄下你購買和流覽過的書目,並分析你的偏好,當你再次登入該書店的網站時,系統識別出你的身分之後,就會根據你的喜好推薦有關書目,當書店有了新書之後,它會自動發郵件給有關感興趣的顧客。這種針對性的服務對維持顧客的忠誠度極有幫助。


  EDI即電子資料交換,是大型零售企業與其供應商之間溝通、洽談和交易的無紙化資訊系統,對大型零售企業的採購管理發揮了重要作用。POS系統將收銀機與電腦終端機的功能合併和提高,利用光學式自動讀取方式的收銀機,在完成商品交易的同時就入賬,收集有關銷售商品的資料和零售經營業所需要的其他資訊,進行即時處理,經分類匯總形成可直接利用的統計報表或報告,以協助企業經營決策。POS系統存儲了大量有關各類商品的銷售額、銷售量、毛利額、毛利率、庫存量及成本、總營運成本等有價值的資訊。顧客關係管理 (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)與現有資訊系統的集成,既可以使零售企業現有的資訊資產的價值充分發揮出來,又可以優化整個企業的進、銷、存各個業務流程,形成一體化的以顧客為中心的企業流程。
Quoted from http://www.8168168.com/html/200501/25/20050125155460.html
Technorati Profile

2008年3月20日 星期四

Choose a CRM System That Matches Your Business' Needs

As a business process aided by technology, CRM Improve customer service and productivity with Avaya Unified Communications. is growing up. Most small businesses realize customer relationship management is about more than simply tracking customer contacts, and most CRM vendors now know a "one-size-fits-all" CRM system usually doesn't deliver what businesses need. Businesses usually find they require customization early on, typically because they want the CRM system to integrate with other business systems so customer information is available in one 360-degree view. Additionally, the industry the business operates within may have specific information to track and respond to.

Greg Innes, chief executive for The Edge, which manages Auckland, New Zealand, entertainment venues Aotea Centre, the Civic Theatre and the Town Hall, says the CRM needs of the performing arts and entertainment industry are certainly unique. The Edge is preparing to launch its new CRM system, Tessitura, an entertainment industry specific CRM package also used by New York Met and the Sydney Opera House.

"Our issues are around identifying and engaging with new audiences and developing our relationship with existing audiences. We need a single view of every single interaction to understand the totality of buying and giving patterns," says Innes.
Expanding the Customer Base

He gives the example of a CRM campaign in which an entertainment venue and an opera company used Tessitura to identify 1,000 people who had not previously purchased opera tickets, but whose demographic suggested they had much in common with people who had. Those identified were then offered a free ticket to the opera, with a take-up rate of around 75 percent.

"So you have introduced 750 people and their partners to opera. It's one example of what [CRM] and a rich database offers and we are excited by it," says Innes.

Information services company Unisys (NYSE: UIS) Latest News about Unisys says 2008 will see many businesses reestablish personal relationships with their customers because satisfied customers are not necessarily loyal customers.

A Unisys study of New Zealand banking customers found that while 72 percent were satisfied with their banks, only 21 percent felt loyal. The same study found customers want to be rewarded for the size and length of their business, prefer a customized experience that matches their specific needs and want a consistent customer experience regardless of what channel (including face to face, Internet and phone) they use.

"A number of businesses have already successfully reinvented themselves around the customer. McDonald's (NYSE: MCD) Latest News about McDonald's introduced a healthy food menu and cafe-style coffee to attract mothers with children. BNZ and Westpac announced customers would not be left out of pocket if they were innocent victims of online fraud. [Airports] have self-service Latest News about self-service check-in kiosks to provide a faster check-in process. I predict we will see this trend increase in 2008," says Brett Hodgson, managing director of Unisys New Zealand.
More Than Software

Motivational speaker and customer relationship guru Debbie Mayo-Smith says small businesses need to be careful not to be blindsided by technological "wizzies" and instead ensure a new CRM system meets fundamental business needs.

"CRM systems are where you put information to sleep at night ... but your processes are equally important. Great service, added value, saved time, that wonderful smile -- this can't be pulled from your software purchase," says Mayo-Smith.

She says "sheer stupidity and shortsightedness" causes small businesses to neglect CRM processes.

"[True] CRM is almost non-existent in New Zealand or is in the very least egocentric. Sure, Pizza Hut recognizes me when I call or Vodafone (NYSE: VOD) Latest News about Vodafone can see my account details when we speak -- but for whose benefit is that? When I take my shoes in for a new heel, the friendly smile of the proprietor and "Hello Mrs. Mayo-Smith, how's the kids?" is as close as it gets. What about all the other people and businesses I buy from? What a void."

She suggests putting the customer's shoes on and asking "What would I want that would make me feel a lot warmer about this company I'm doing business with?"

"And of course, ask your customers the same thing. They might not value what you think they will."
Web-Enabled and Accessed

CRM systems these days need to be closely integrated with the online channels of the business and ideally communications systems including telephony and e-mail E-Mail Marketing Software - Free Trial. Click Here., Innes says. The Edge often sees online sales swing to more than 80 percent of ticket sales for high demand events and "unquestionably the online world is where it's headed. The biggest challenge [with online sales and marketing] is that the transactional elements take precedence over from the CRM elements, and we felt that is a fundamentally wrong proposition; both needed to be implemented at the same time. We wanted to distinguish ourselves, so our system allows online buyers to select their own seat and see the view from that seat online," he says.

Improvements to mobile broadband speeds and gradually lowering mobile data pricing is also driving some businesses to consider accessing CRM systems using smartphones, laptops and PDAs.

Leanne Graham, managing director for Enprise Global Products, a CRM implementation Latest News about CRM implementation partner for the SAP (NYSE: SAP) Latest News about SAP AG and Exonet brands, says some businesses want mobile job management or sales management for people in the field and Enprise helps the business to decide whether handheld devices will work and whether customers and suppliers need to be enabled into the mobile solution.

Brad Wilson, general manager of Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) Webroot AntiSpyware 30-Day Free Trial. Click here. Latest News about Microsoft CRM for Microsoft Corporation in the U.S., says when CRM systems are integrated with mobile technologies, decisions need to be made as to which CRM views to present on the mobile platform -- for example, a choice between rich or light graphics affects the speed of information upload to a mobile device, as well as mobile data costs.

"Successful CRM is more a matter of process design than technology stuff," says Wilson.
The Hosted Option

There is also burgeoning interest in investing in a fully hosted CRM service managed by a provider. Commonly known as "Software as a Service" (SaaS), hosted CRM services Latest News about CRM services are a less complex alternative to purchasing and installing a CRM system, Web enabling it, and then having to manage and secure it. As such, several major CRM vendors have launched SaaS solutions, with others solely providing CRM via SaaS.

Mike Lorge, managing director for Sage Business Solutions Australia and New Zealand says Sage has developed a SaaS offering and is keenly aware of the demand for easily accessed, Web-enabled systems that deliver information from all parts of the business.

"We do believe SaaS has its place. According to research from Gartner (NYSE: IT) Latest News about Gartner and IDC, around 30 percent of the CRM market is interested in SaaS and on-demand type CRM services. That's a strong trend which we recognize. At the same time, around 70 percent of the market indicates they prefer an on-premise system. So we offer both, allowing businesses to swap from one to the other," says Lorge.
Bandwidth an Issue

Graham Bloxham is project sponsor for sales-focused SaaS-only CRM solution Salesworks. He says while small business Save up to $500 off top-selling HP printers. broadband connections support SaaS solutions, there's room for improvement.

"I was in Foxton yesterday with a guy who wanted our product, but couldn't use it because he couldn't get the broadband performance he needed. The service is largely text based and will work at dial-up speeds, but it is much slower and you have time lags," says Bloxham.

He says Salesworks has built its product to ensure it integrates with Outlook and location based mapping products, and understands businesses need to be able to import and export data between the service and in-house systems.

"A big problem with the sales process is follow up -- the time it takes to data mine and progress a customer through the pipeline. We have fixed that big time; small businesses will be able to update 50 customers in five minutes," says Bloxham.

At the same time he says it's difficult to ensure a hosted CRM solution integrates with all the internal systems and processes of a wide range of businesses.

"We will provide the 20 percent of CRM features people want; ours is a simpler, more sales-focused product; we won't be trying to be everything to everybody. A lot of CRM systems are too bloated and overwhelming."
Which CRM and Partner?

Lorge says CRM software developers have learned what works and what doesn't when it comes to installed systems -- Sage CRM lets users configure their CRM system view so they don't have too much information in one view.

"It's very easy to throw lots of information at the user, but that information needs to be particular to each role," he says.

Wilson says Microsoft is "excited" about the integration of communications systems like e-mail, telephony and even video with CRM systems, and sees that CRM applications use the strengths of all underlying applications and systems and are therefore platform technologies. He says CRM systems used to be complex, requiring expensive customization and experienced users, which is why small businesses used simple contact management tools as a "workaround" for years.

"One of the biggest things small businesses need to think about is how to get a 360 degree view of how customers are interacting with [them] -- that's where CRM differs from contact management, and other non-integrated applications," says Wilson,

He says he advises CRM consultants and channel partners to take CRM implementations in short, small steps.

"Many CRM initiatives fail because the business or implementation partner tries to build a 'Death Star' and people lose focus or interest," says Wilson.

Enprise's Graham says another expensive implementation issue is when customers want to keep tweaking and changing a CRM solution to exactly reflect and suit their businesses."

"That's why we think it is important to focus by industry; in our case the wider services industry," she says

Quote from http://www.crmbuyer.com/story/62088.html
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2008年3月19日 星期三


Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理


而我們所要討論的主題,Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理,最近的熱門話題之一,什麼是顧客關係管理呢?它會為我們帶來什麼效益呢?


而另一方面,以企業的角度來看其與顧客的關係,顧客對其來說似乎是由一群模糊的臉所組合而成的,其所在乎的是市場佔有率、獲利率等數字,他們少有要和顧客建立關係的想法,或是有卻也不知如何去做,然而這樣的情況已經要將有所改變,隨著所謂的Customer(顧客)、Change(改變)、 Competition(競爭)三C的影響,企業已經需要重新檢視他們與顧客的關係,隨著愈來愈多的選擇,不斷改變的競爭環境,顧客已經漸漸佔有優勢的地位,企業面對著愈來愈高的客戶流失率及愈來愈低的獲利率,他們面對了需要改變的必然抉擇。

Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理

Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理

Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理

Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理

Customer relationship management 顧客關係管理

Quote from http://www.bin.idv.tw/main/crm01.htm
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2008年3月17日 星期一

CRM Projects Fail Because Users Say “No Thanks”

Nearly one-third of customer relationship management (CRM) software deployments end in failure, according to new research from AMR Research Inc.

The bottom line is that sales representatives and, to a lesser extent, marketing professionals, just aren’t using the technology, and that nonadoption is leading to failure.

The Boston-based research firm recently surveyed 190 IT and line-of-business executives and found that 29% of CRM projects fail. That’s slightly better than the 31% failure rate AMR Research uncovered in 2006, but it’s much worse than the 18% rate discovered in 2005.

Last June Cambridge, Mass.-based Forrester Research Inc. reported that less than 50% of the 94 business and IT executives it surveyed were fully satisfied with their CRM deployments. When Forrester asked those executives to list their best practices for improving their CRM implementation, 66% said promoting user adoption was a top priority.

AMR Senior Research Analyst Robert Bois said that sales and marketing professionals reject CRM mainly because it’s just not easy to use.

“That’s all relative,” Bois said. “What you and I might think of as a fairly simple user interface might not seem as simple to a salesperson who spends as much time as possible on the phone with customers and doesn’t have time to be fooling around with a piece of software.”

Bois said sales representatives also reject CRM because it just doesn’t offer any value to them. CRM and sales force automation systems will ask sales representatives to enter a lot of data, but the technology doesn’t always help them do their jobs better. Instead, much of the data they enter into these systems offers value to only managers who are trying to track and forecast sales activity.

“CRM and sales force automation as discrete software categories were initially designed to appeal to sales management, not the sales user,” Bois said.

Jim Prevo, CIO of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc., said poor user adoption is a symptom of a problem, not the root cause of CRM failure.

“You need to have enough value in the system for end users to make it irresistible for them to use it,” Prevo said. “If you put in a system that is primarily about monitoring their behavior rather than putting in a tool that is about maximizing their behavior, they are not going to see those tools as absolutely essential. Once you do that, you’ll get adoption. And adoption is critical.”

Bois said the CRM market is reacting to this problem by shifting its approach to offer more value to the end user.

“The most common thing you’ll see is they’re starting to put performance metrics in so the salesperson knows how they’re performing against their quota. ‘If I’m gong to close this deal in the next 30 days, what would that mean for my quota?’ Ultimately, it is giving them better visibility into their ability to meet their quota.”

Bois said some vendors are also offering applications such as proposal management for more complex sales cycles. These technologies use a wizard-like interface to ask basic information about sales prospects. Then, in conjunction with marketing, the application creates an automated custom proposal to help them attract the prospect.

Bois said CIOs need to get sales executives more involved in the procurement of CRM technology. And CIOs should resist just accepting the latest CRM offering from their ERP vendors. Instead, they should try a third party for this technology. In fact, they should consider letting the sales executive take the lead. This isn’t such a hard thing to do with the emergence of Software as a Service vendors such as Salesforce.com. The sales executive knows his staff better than the CIO does. The CIO can take on a more consultative role to make sure the implementation and any necessary system and data integration go smoothly.

Quote from http://crmweblog.crmmastery.com/?p=950
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2008年3月16日 星期日

顧客關係管理: 和企業客戶建立「學習關係」


一九九六年,戴爾電腦為其大型企業客戶,提供專屬的互動式網頁服務Premier Dell.com,協助這些企業簡化公司內部的採購申請,控制企業購置電腦的總成本,鞏固了戴爾電腦的全球市場地位。
Premier Dell.com的推出,不僅為戴爾與各企業的採購與資訊主管間,建立起一對一的關係,更因為各部門需求者可以直接透過網頁,訂購符合需要又不超過公司預算的電腦,而為戴爾與各企業內部真正的產品使用者築起了一對一的橋樑。
「一對一」系列暢銷書作者佩伯斯(Don Peppers)與羅傑斯(Martha Rogers),在新書「B2B的一對一關係」(One to One B2B)中,闡述一對一顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)對B2B企業經營的重要性。


值得一提的是,B2B企業除了將產品賣給企業客戶外,若還能進一步協助企業客戶進行內部管理,將更能鞏固顧客關係。戴爾電腦的Premier Dell.com,不但能協助企業簡化採購流程,還能幫忙控制總成本,即是最佳例證。
如此,企業便可以訂定行銷策略,來滿足使用者最大需求,確實掌握該企業客戶的訂單流向。更具體地說,這種一對一的關係就是要建立能透過每次與顧客互動的機會,而使自己更聰明的「學習關係」(Learning Relation-ship)。




然而隨著網路成為快速、有效的溝通工具後,許多B2B企業發現,可以互動的顧客範圍擴大了。一位戴爾電腦的主管即指出:「若沒有Premier Dell.com網頁的推出,以往的互動溝通服務只能提供給大型企業客戶;但現在卻可以進一步擴大到小型企業客戶。」


戴爾電腦開發出Premier Dell.com這項以網站為基礎的服務後,可以協助顧客有效管理電腦採購流程,也使戴爾電腦在採購部門的同意下,與最終使用者取得直接的溝通管道,進而將其最先採用的接單後生產模式,進一步提昇至為顧客量身定做的層次。
首先是必須強化顧客發展(account development)。這對B2B的企業來說困難度頗高,且較為複雜,卻是網路技術發達的時代,必須發展的策略。畢竟,資訊透明化已使顧客的忠誠度下降,因此對一個既有的企業客戶,建立更密切且持久的關係,使其與公司往來的交易金額穩定成長,可能要比開發另一筆訂單要來得簡單。

來源: EMBA世界經理文摘
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Potential drawbacks of CRM

There are several reasons why implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) solution might not have the desired results.

There could be a lack of commitment from people within the company to the implementation of a CRM solution. Adapting to a customer-focused approach may require a cultural change. There is a danger that relationships with customers will break down somewhere along the line, unless everyone in the business is committed to viewing their operations from the customers' perspective. The result is customer dissatisfaction and eventual loss of revenue.

Poor communication can prevent buy-in. In order to make CRM work, all the relevant people in your business must know what information you need and how to use it.

Weak leadership could cause problems for any CRM implementation plan. The onus is on management to lead by example and push for a customer focus on every project. If a proposed plan isn't right for your customers, don't do it. Send your teams back to the drawing board to come up with a solution that will work.

Trying to implement CRM as a complete solution in one go is a tempting but risky strategy. It is better to break your CRM project down into manageable pieces by setting up pilot programs and short-term milestones. Consider starting with a pilot project that incorporates all the necessary departments and groups but is small and flexible enough to allow adjustments along the way.

Don't underestimate how much data you will require, and make sure that you can expand your systems if necessary. You need to carefully consider what data is collected and stored to ensure that only useful data is kept.

You must also ensure you comply with the eight principles of the Data Protection Act that govern the processing of information on living, identifiable individuals. For more information, see our guide on how to comply with data protection legislation.

Avoid adopting rigid rules which cannot be changed to be more flexible to the needs of individual customers.
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Types of CRM solution

Customer relationship management (CRM) is important in running a successful business. The better the relationship, the easier it is to conduct business and generate revenue. Therefore using technology to improve CRM makes good business sense.

CRM solutions fall into the following four broad categories.
Outsourced solutions

Application service providers can provide web-based CRM solutions for your business. This approach is ideal if you need to implement a solution quickly and your company does not have the in-house skills necessary to tackle the job from scratch. It is also a good solution if you are already geared towards online e-commerce.
Off-the-shelf solutions

Several software companies offer CRM applications that integrate with existing packages. Cut-down versions of such software may be suitable for smaller businesses. This approach is generally the cheapest option as you are investing in standard software components. The downside is that the software may not always do precisely what you want and you may have to trade off functionality for convenience and price. The key to success is to be flexible without compromising too much.
Bespoke software

For the ultimate in tailored CRM solutions, consultants and software engineers will customise or create a CRM system and integrate it with your existing software. However, this can be expensive and time consuming. If you choose this option, make sure you carefully specify exactly what you want. This will usually be the most expensive option and costs will vary depending on what your software designer quotes.
Managed solutions

A half-way house between bespoke and outsourced solutions, this involves renting a customised suite of CRM applications as a bespoke package. This can be cost effective but it may mean that you have to compromise in terms of functionality.

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Business benefits of CRM

Implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) solution might involve considerable time and expense. However, there are many potential benefits.

A major benefit can be the development of better relations with your existing customers, which can lead to:

increased sales through better timing due to anticipating needs based on historic trends
identifying needs more effectively by understanding specific customer requirements
cross-selling of other products by highlighting and suggesting alternatives or enhancements

This can lead to better marketing of your products or services by focusing on:

effective targeted marketing communications aimed specifically at customer needs
a more personal approach and the development of new or improved products and services in order to win more business in the future

Ultimately this could lead to:

enhanced customer satisfaction and retention, ensuring that your good reputation in the marketplace continues to grow
increased value from your existing customers and reduced cost associated with supporting and servicing them, increasing your overall efficiency and reducing total cost of sales

Once your business starts to look after its existing customers effectively, efforts can be concentrated on finding new customers and expanding your market. The more you know about your customers, the easier it is to identify new prospects and increase your customer base.

Even with years of accumulated knowledge, there's always room for improvement. Customer needs change over time, and technology can make it easier to find out more about customers and ensure that everyone in an organisation can exploit this information.

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2008年3月14日 星期五

Axonom - Delivering Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Quote From http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmRSoH5tp7U
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Good Quote to Cash is Good CRM

Given the choice of working on your company’s Order Management Improvement project or the launch of a suite of Web 2.0 technologies to support product development a quick read of CRM trade publications today would clearly indicate Web 2.0 is the “now” place to be. In fact, many companies don’t feel order and billing management are within the domain of CRM at all. Unfortunately for companies with less than stellar performance in these areas, customers might disagree with you.

If CRM is about knowing your customer and building trusted relationships, then for most customers, the actual buying and paying is not just the most often executed CRM transaction – it is the basis for which all other components of the relationship grow. A quick stroll through the blogosphere reveals scores of public domain conversations about major companies such as the following:

…a correct bill seems to be the exception rather than the rule. Your odds for a proper bill from Big Company X improve if you've had the same hardware and software for a while along with a comprehensive services agreement, but quickly go down hill if you change hardware or software or have service performed outside the services agreement. If you've never had an incorrect invoice from Big Company X, you've either never done business with them for more than one transaction, or aren't looking closely at your invoices. Or have never called for support that was supposed to be free.

What are you to do? You call Big Company X. Sometimes, you get a helpful person who straightens things out right away. More often, you get a surly person bent on making you pay your incorrect invoice. In the latter case, you then call your Big Company X representative, who apologizes all over themselves and promises to take care of things. You feel good about the situation -- until next month's bill arrives with the same unpaid (and unearned) charges upon it.

If Big Company X cannot get its own house in order, how are they supposed to do the same for the rest of us? A business computer company that cannot perform the most basic of all business functions on its computers? Ridiculous.1

In short, a knowledgeable, caring, and invested customer sums up the transactional interaction with their vendor as simply “ridiculous.” All things being equal, if given a choice, where do you think this customer will go to for their next purchase? Bluntly, somewhere else.

Quote to cash is both the economic engine of any company and the basis for the relationship that you have with your customers. A supreme focus on the quality of your customer relationships, with the support of Web 2.0 tools, can tell you this or you can ask some simple questions which may indicate a need for your company to address root cause issues before you become the favorite target of your customers rants.

· Can a customer get a quote from you quickly and easily?

· Can a customer easily place an order from the quote?

· Is the order placed from a quote accurate and easy for the customer to execute?

· Can you generate an accurate bill on time?

· Do you regularly handle a large volume of disputes that result in customer credits?

· If a customer disputes the bill can you have a straightforward conversation with needed supporting information such as a contract, pricing, installed products, order history?

· Is it easy to reconcile a contract / order / price sheet with an invoice?

· Do your quotes, orders, contracts and invoices look the same? (This sounds simple but if your documents don’t look the same you will confuse customers)

· Do your long time customers carry extra clerical staff to maintain their business relationship with you?

· Do you accurately inform customers the status of their orders at regular intervals? (Order Acknowledgement, Order Confirmation, Shipping Notification, etc.)

If you can’t answer the above questions definitively or these evoke negative responses, your organization most likely needs to focus on basic blocking and tackling in quote to cash. The work is often difficult and not glamorous but your customers will thank you for it – with their continued business.

Fixing Quote to Cash problems:

* Define the Process End to End: Fixing the problem begins and ends with good understanding of current and desired process and awareness of points of failure. Most organizations separate the quoting, ordering and invoicing functions in different departments that each sub-optimize their own processes. Improvement initiatives should focus across these departments to avoid finger pointing and truly fix issues. If your organization lacks the ability to apply process management disciplines to Quote to Cash – get help.
* Automate and Validate the links in the Chain: Companies that execute Quote to Cash well link and validate all data in the chain. Looking at a simplistic flow such as Price List > Quote > Order > Invoice one must make sure that data and business rules come from the same or reconciled sources. If they don’t you will, at best, generate errors and incur high cost manual checking and corrections downstream in the process. At worst you will get a complaint call from the customer about an incorrect order or invoice.
* Go Upstream: Quote to Cash excellence requires early quality in the process. Pricing failures in quoting invariably result in customer credits and bad interactions with customers. To put it bluntly, you rarely solve billing problems in the billing department.
* Communicate Status to Your Customers: Best in class companies inform their customers throughout the quote to cash cycle. If you aren’t providing your customers order acknowledgements, confirmations, shipping notifications and regular order and payment status in either push or pull formats you are generating inquiries that customers don’t feel they should have to make and cost you money. Providing this information in an accurate fashion is a point of entry to eCommerce, not a leading capability.
* Measure, Measure, Measure: Quote to cash processes generate a tremendous volume of reported data in the typical company. Usually these measures are financial and volume related. Leading companies apply more systematic measurement and improvement programs around cost, quality and time related metrics. Cycle time metrics for orders and invoice can point their way to process improvements that get product to customers faster and result in faster payment and lower DSO. “Perfect order” and “perfect invoice” improvement projects can reduce customer complaints and dramatically lower processing costs.
* Involve Your Customers: The one thing that Web 2.0 has taught us is that your customers are going to have a publicly available opinion about you regardless of whether you want one or not and they will have the tools and ability to syndicate their opinion of you across the internet. Actively involving customers in improvement projects lets them know you care about their business and are listening to them.


Continuous improvement programs in Quote to Cash can yield direct cost savings for existing business, avoid significant headcount additions in growing business, and reduce overall customer churn and improve loyalty. Improvements are often measurable in real dollars, which for most businesses, and their customers and shareholders, are exactly the type of results that more glamorous CRM efforts continue to lack.

Quote From http://www.crm2day.com/library/50511.php
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Quote From http://gcis.nat.gov.tw/Moderncom/past.asp?Page=81c1.htm&Style=2&Topic=%B1M%AEa%BD%D7%BE%C2
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 導入成功CRM系統要掌握幾個關鍵因素:1.高階主管的全力支持。2.深度思考影響企業績效的重點。3.建立明確的預期達成目標。 4.選擇適當的CRM產品。5.選派適當的專案負責人。6.完整的實施計劃和稽核。7.持續的推動及追蹤系統成效等。實際上,初期導入成功並未意味著未來能夠持續的成功。因為身處瞬息萬變的競爭年代,如無持續的追蹤與改善,系統所帶來的效益將會逐漸的縮減或喪失。因此,當系統上線成功之後,尚須擬定後續的維護及改進計劃,投入適當的人力物力來進行系統的維護、改善與精進。

 在IBM公布之企業CRM應用研究報告中,共訪問了373位高層主管,包括92位亞太區公私營機構高階主管。但這份報告卻指出,高達 85%的亞太區企業認為該公司導入CRM的成效不彰。18%的受訪對象認為CRM導入失敗主因,在於企業內各組織間未能整合作業;12%表示缺乏高層全力支持,且資源與共識不足;而有9%認為缺乏變革管理為主要阻力。









Quote From http://gcis.nat.gov.tw/Moderncom/past.asp?Page=81c1.htm&Style=2&Topic=%B1M%AEa%BD%D7%BE%C2
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2008年3月13日 星期四

顧客關係管理要作好 資訊科技不可少

顧客關係管理要作好 資訊科技不可少

By 劉益昌
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opentaps Open Source ERP + CRM brings you the advanced features and power of Tier 1 ERP and CRM software with the flexibility and low cost of ownership that only open source can deliver. opentaps開放源碼的ERP + CRM的您帶來了先進的功能和權力,第1級的ERP和CRM軟件的靈活性和低擁有成本只有開放原始碼可以提供。 You can use opentaps as an alternative to expensive and inflexible commercial ERP solutions, as a replacement for in-house solutions that are difficult to maintain or extend, or as a starting point to build your unique business model and processes.你可以使用opentaps作為一種替代昂貴和缺乏靈活性的商業ERP的解決方案,作為一個替代品,在內部解決方案,是很難維持或擴大,或作為一個起點,以建立您獨特的商業模式和進程。

Key features of opentaps Open Source ERP + CRM include:主要特點opentaps開放源碼的ERP + CRM中包括:

* A complete suite that deliver a 360-degree view of your business, from customers to orders to inventory to accounting.一個完整的套件,能夠提供360度的視角對你的生意,從客戶訂單,以存貨會計。 opentaps is one application running on one unified data model with over 700 tables, so you'll never have to do messy integration again. opentaps是一個應用運行於一個統一的數據模型與超過700桌,這樣您就永遠做亂七八糟的一體化。
* Compatible all major open source and commercial relational databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server.兼容所有主要的開放源代碼和商業關係型數據庫,包括MySQL和PostgreSQL ,甲骨文,賽貝斯,和Microsoft SQL Server 。
* Runs on Linux, Unix, and Windows operating platforms.運行於Linux , UNIX和Windows作業平台。
* Service-Oriented Architecture for easy interoperability with external or legacy applications.面向服務的體系結構,方便的互操作性,與外來的或傳統的應用產品。
* Modular and tiered architecture allows for easy modifications or additions.模塊化和分層體系結構可以很容易地修改或增補。 An add-on application could be unzipped into a directory and start running.一個附加的應用可被自動解壓縮到一個目錄,並開始運行。
* Remote and local synchronization for scalability and high availability.遠程和本地同步擴展性和高可用性。
* Workflow for adapting to unique business processes.工作流程,為適應獨特的業務流程。

Tunesta tunesta

Tustena CRM OS (OpenSource) is a free, web-based Enterprise-Class Customer Relationship Management server written in C# for the .NET platform. tustena的CRM系統(開源)是一個自由的,基於Web的企業級客戶關係管理服務器寫在C # 。 NET平台。

Tustena offers many advanced features like: tustena提供了許多先進的功能,如:

* Company and Contact Management公司與聯繫人管理
* Lead Management鉛管理
* Calendaring壓延
* Tasks任務
* Notes債券
* Messages訊息
* Opportunity Management機會管理
* Activity Management活動管理
* Advanced Search進階搜尋
* Charting圖表
* Case / Solution Management案例/解決方案管理
* Reporting報告
* Internationalization國際化
* Companies, Contacts, leads and activity Import公司,聯繫人,線索和活動進口
* Advanced Reporting先進報告
* Product Catalog產品目錄
* Email Marketing and Mailing Lists電子郵件營銷和郵件列表
* Mobile/WAP Access移動/ WAP的接入
* .Net WebServices 。 NET的WebServices的
* Forecasting預報
* POP3 email manager via WebMail POP3電子郵件經理通過郵局
* Voip Integration VoIP的融合
* Microsoft Outlook Email Integration微軟Outlook電子郵件整合
* Desktop Alerter桌面alerter
* Quotes行情
* Knowledge Base知識庫
* Dynamic Databases動態數據庫
* Trouble Ticket Management麻煩票務管理
* Business Intelligence商務智能

Compiere compiere

Compiere is an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relations Management (CRM) software solution that combines the power of point of sales (POS), distribution, inventory, e-commerce, accounting, and workflow systems within one robust application. compiere是一個集成的企業資源規劃( ERP )及客戶關係管理( CRM )軟件解決方案,結合了權力的銷售點(名次) ,分銷,庫存,電子商貿,會計和工作流程制度,究竟那一個強有力的應用。 Compiere is fully customizable to your enterprise and was created to handle the challenges of global commerce. compiere是完全定制你的企業,並創造了處理挑戰的全球經濟發展。
vtiger vtiger

vtiger CRM is an enterprise-ready Open Source CRM software mainly for small and medium businesses. vtiger CRM是一個企業級就緒開放源碼CRM軟件主要為中小型企業。 vtiger CRM is built over proven, fast, and reliable LAMP/WAMP (Linux/Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) technologies and other open source projects. vtiger CRM是興建了證明,快速和可靠的燈/ wamp ( Linux的/ Windows操作系統, Apache , MySQL和和PHP )技術和其它開放源代碼項目。

vtiger CRM leverages the benefits of Open Source software and adds more value to the end-users by providing many enterprise features, such as Sales force Automation , customer support & service , marketing automation, inventory management, multiple database support, security management, product customization, calendaring, E-mail integration, add-ons, and others. vtiger CRM的槓桿好處的開放源碼軟件,並增加了更多的價值提供給最終用戶提供了許多企業的特點,如銷售隊伍自動化,客戶服務與支持,營銷自動化,庫存管理,多數據庫支持,安全管理,產品個性化,行事歷,電子郵件整合,加載項和等。

vtiger CRM software installation is very simple as all the necessary software, such as Apache, MySQL, and PHP are integrated and executables are made available both for Windows and Linux (RedHat, Debian, SuSe, Fedora, and Mandrake) operating systems in SourceForge.net. vtiger CRM軟件的安裝是非常簡單,因為所有必要的軟件,比如Apache , MySQL和PHP是綜合性和可執行文件都提供了既適用於Windows及Linux ( Redhat的, Debian系統,的SUSE , Fedora ,而和Mandrake )作業系統在SourceForge上。網。 You need not concern too much about setting up database, Web server, and other software.你不必關心太多關於建立數據庫, Web服務器,軟件和其它軟件。

vtiger CRM also provides, enterprise grade business productivity enhancement add-ons, Customer Portal , Outlook Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook users, Office Plug-in for Microsoft Word users, and Thunderbird Extension for Thunderbird mail users. vtiger CRM中還規定,企業級企業生產力提升附加軟件,客戶門戶, Outlook插件在微軟的Outlook用戶,辦公室插入式為Microsoft Word用戶,和Thunderbird擴展雷鳥電子郵件用戶。 All these add-ons are part of the vtiger CRM Open Source project in SourceForge.net所有這些加載項是部分的vtiger CRM的開放源代碼項目在sourceforge.net
XRMS xrms

XRMS CRM is an extensible Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that enables your organization to successfully become customer-focused. xrms CRM是一個可擴展的客戶關係管理( CRM )系統,讓您的組織成功地成為以客戶為中心。

XRMS is a fully-integrated suite of web-based tools for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Sales Force Automation (SFA), and Business Intelligence (BI) tools. xrms是一個充分整合套件,基於Web的工具,為客戶關係管理( CRM ) ,銷售人員自動化( 010 84238883 ) ,及商業智慧( BI )工具。

Use it to integrate and manage your sales, service, and marketing data in a single information store.用它來整合和管理您的銷售,服務和市場營銷資料,在一個單一的信息存儲。 XRMS has the enterprise capabilities to become a single system of record for storing activities, files, and other interaction data with your customers, employees, partners, and prospects. xrms有企業能力,以成為一個單一的系統中的記錄,供存放活動,檔案及其他互動數據與你的客戶,員工,合作夥伴及前景。 And, it is easily extensible to support your own processes and procedures for interacting with and supporting your customers.而且,是很容易擴充,以支持您自己的過程和程序,對於人際交往,並支持你的客戶。

Why does XRMS make sense for so many businesses?為什麼xrms意義的,所以許多企業? Here's some of the features that our community likes:這裡的一些特點,我們的社會喜歡:

* Low infrastructure requirements低,基礎設施要求
* Community-driven Open Source社區驅動的開源
* Enterprise-friendly licensing terms企業友好的許可條款
* Clean data model for easy integration and migration乾淨的數據模型,易於集成和遷移
* Configurable, integrated workflow engine可配置,集成的工作流引擎
* Configurable look and feel (themes)可配置的外觀和感覺(主題)
* Translations for more than 20 languages翻譯為超過20種語言
* Role-based security基於角色的安全
* Database independence數據庫獨立性
* Shared calendar共用行事歷
* Plugin architecture for seamlessly integrating add-ins插件架構無縫集成增益集
* Extensive search廣泛搜索
* Document management文件管理
* CTI and email integration城市電訊和電子郵件一體化
* Relationship tracking關係跟踪
* Customizable views可定制的意見
* Business intelligence商務智能

SugarCRM SugarCRM公司

Sugar Open Source enables sales, marketing, and support organizations to manage their customer interactions more efficiently and profitably and is intended for both large and small companies worldwide.糖開放源代碼,使銷售,營銷和支持組織管理其客戶互動更有效率和更有利可圖的,並打算為大型和小型公司,在全世界。 Platform agnostic, Sugar Open Source is the least complex, most portable, and most cost-efficient customer relationship management (CRM) solution.平台不可知論,糖開放源代碼是最複雜,最便攜的,最具有成本效益的客戶關係管理( CRM )解決方案。 Natively built on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) stack, Sugar Open Source can be deployed in virtually any environment. native的建成對燈管(的Linux , Apache , MySQL和PHP )疊加,糖開放源代碼可以部署在幾乎任何環境。

CRM is a mature and cost-effective endeavor, but traditional, proprietary applications are still expensive to buy or rent. CRM是一個成熟的和具有成本效益的努力,但傳統的,專有應用仍然昂貴,購買或租住。 It's not because it's costly to build great CRM applications, but because those who provide proprietary CRM are required to market and sell them.這並不是因為它的昂貴,以建立大客戶關係管理應用程序,但因為那些提供專有的CRM需要市場和銷售。 When you build a commercial grade CRM application based on the combined ideas and resources from CRM developers across the globe, you simply produce a better, more revolutionary product than any proprietary software or hosting company can think-up and build on its own.當你建立一個商業級CRM應用的基礎上,結合思想和資源,從CRM的發展在全球各地的時間,只需出示一個更美好,更革命性的產品,比任何專有軟件或託管公司,可以認為,行動和建立它自己。 We believe the SugarCRM open source business model is far more efficient than the classic approach to building proprietary CRM software.我們相信, SugarCRM公司的開源商業模式是效率遠遠高於傳統的方法,與顧客建立起專屬的CRM軟件。 We do not believe in the notion of hiding access to code in order to lock-in customers.我們不相信在概念藏匿獲取代碼,以鎖定客戶。

Since the open source project is such an effective marketing mechanism, open source companies can keep their sales and marketing costs low.由於開放源代碼項目是這樣一種有效的營銷機制,開放源代碼公司可以繼續保留其銷售及市場推廣的成本很低。 Revenues are invested back into product development.收入是投資回產品開發。 Our prices are substantially lower than what CRM vendors charge today - the majority of your subscription costs goes back into product development, not into marketing and selling the solution.我們的價格大大低於什麼CRM供應商收取今天-大多數的認購費用,可以追溯到到產品開發,而不是到市場營銷和銷售的解決方案。 Download and install the freely distributed Sugar Open Source application.下載並安裝免費的糖開放源代碼應用。 If it works for your company, we ask that you participate in the SugarCRM Community through forum discussions or code contributions.如果證明可行,為貴公司的,我們要求你們參加在SugarCRM公司通過社區論壇討論或守則的貢獻。 If you need the functionality in Sugar Professional or Sugar Enterprise, give us a call.如果你需要的功能在專業糖或糖的企業,給我們一個電話。 We want you to become a customer once we have proven we have generated value for your company, not one minute sooner.我們希望你成為我們的客戶,一旦我們已經證明了我們已經產生的價值,為您的公司,而不是一分鐘越快。
Ohioedge ohioedge

Ohioedge CRM Server is an online CRM application designed for $2-500M organizations requiring centralized, multi-functional, enterprise-wide coordination of sales generation (contact management) & fulfillment (business process/workflow management) activities. ohioedge CRM服務器是一個在線CRM應用設計為2元- 500米組織,要求集中,多功能,企業範圍內協調的銷售代(聯繫人管理)及為實現(業務流程/工作流程管理)的活動。
openCRX opencrx

openCRX is a professional CRM solution (customer relationship management) deployable to all major platforms. opencrx是一家專業的客戶關係管理解決方案(客戶關係管理)部署到所有主要平台。 openCRX is multi-entity enabled, scalable, a real enterprise-class CRM-solution. opencrx是多實體,擴展性,一個真正的企業級客戶關係管理解決方案。
Enterprise Groupware System 企業群件系統

EGS is the leading, commercially supported, Open Source integrated web-based business system - offering a single sign-on to all your business applications it carries on where other CRM tools stop.環境產品和服務是全球領先的,在商業上的支持,開放源代碼整合式網絡為基礎的業務系統-提供單點登錄對您的所有商業應用軟件,它繼承了,而其他的C RM工具能夠停止。

EGS offers modules that allows businesses to develop outstanding communication channels; collect vital customer data; track order histories; view pipelines and build individual customer profiles.環境產品和服務的提供模塊,讓企業發展優秀的溝通渠道;蒐集重要的客戶數據;軌道訂購記錄;看法管道並建立單獨的客戶檔案。 It integrates an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) accounting solution enabling the management of all the business' accounting requirements.它整合了企業資源規劃( ERP )的會計解決方案,使管理的各項業務會計核算的規定。 EGS can track orders; log invoices; enable on-line purchasing and monitor distribution channels.環境產品和服務可以跟踪訂單;日誌發票;使上線採購和監控的分銷渠道。

Quote From http://www.tech-faq.com/lang/zh-TW/crm-software.shtml
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What Is CRM?

CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a company-wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer loyalty. True CRM brings together information from all data sources within an organization (and where appropriate, from outside the organization) to give one, holistic view of each customer in real time. This allows customer facing employees in such areas as sales, customer support, and marketing to make quick yet informed decisions on everything from cross-selling and upselling opportunities to target marketing strategies to competitive positioning tactics.

Once thought of as a type of software, CRM has evolved into a customer-centric philosophy that must permeate an entire organization. There are three key elements to a successful CRM initiative: people, process, and technology. The people throughout a company-from the CEO to each and every customer service rep-need to buy in to and support CRM. A company's business processes must be reengineered to bolster its CRM initiative, often from the view of, How can this process better serve the customer? Firms must select the right technology to drive these improved processes, provide the best data to the employees, and be easy enough to operate that users won't balk. If one of these three foundations is not sound, the entire CRM structure will crumble.

It's a strategy used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. After all, good customer relationships are at the heart of business success. There are many technological components to CRM, but thinking about CRM in primarily technological terms is a mistake. The more useful way to think about CRM is as a process that will help bring together lots of pieces of information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness and market trends.

If customer relationships are the heart of business success, then CRM is the valve the pumps a company's life blood. As such, CRM is best suited to help businesses use people, processes, and technology gain insight into the behavior and value of customers. This insight allows for improved customer service, increased call center efficiency, added cross-sell and upsell opportunities, improved close rates, streamlined sales and marketing processes, improved customer profiling and targeting, reduced costs, and increased share of customer and overall profitability.

This sounds like a panacea, but CRM is not without its challenges. For CRM to be truly effective, an organization must convince its staff that change is good and that CRM will benefit them. Then it must analyze its business processes to decide which need to be reengineered and how best to go about it. Next is to decide what kind of customer information is relevant and how it will be used. Finally, a team of carefully selected executives must choose the right technology to automate what it is that needs to be automated. This process, depending upon the size of the company and the breadth of data, can take anywhere from a few weeks to a year or more. And although some firms are using Web-based CRM technologies for only hundreds of dollars per month per user, large companies may spends millions to purchase, install, and customize the technology required to support its CRM initiative.

Quote From http://www.destinationcrm.com/articles/default.asp?ArticleID=1747
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完善顧客關係管理 創造主顧雙贏(二)

根據顧客對企業價值的不同為顧客群分類時,對企業價值最大的顧客組被稱為「最具價值」顧客(Most Valuable Customer,MVCs);對企業的價值僅次於MVCs的顧客組被稱為「最具成長性」顧客(Most Growable Customer,MGCs),這組顧客也有可能成為最具價值顧客;還有一類顧客組被稱為「低於零點」顧客(Below Zero Customer,BZs),因為企業為支援和服務於BZs的成本可能會超出邊際收益,因此對於企業意味著負面的價值。

Quote From 作者為安侯企管副總經理何曜宏、資深顧問謝雨竹
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完善顧客關係管理 創造主顧雙贏(一)

西北大學國際行銷學教授科特勒(Philips Kotler)認為,顧客關係管理的重心要放在如何和最有價值的顧客建立長期合作,並為公司帶來利潤的關係。一般企業從顧客身上所獲得的收益和企業為吸引及服務顧客的成本相比較,收益超過成本的部分即為顧客價值。而顧客價值已經重新詮釋了傳統行銷的活動-把顧客視為一種資產,評估其未來收益以及成本以決定是否進行行銷活動等作業。這就是所謂「Cost to Serve」-到底我們花費多少總體成本來服務顧客?顧客價值如何?如何找出具有價值的顧客?如何衡量顧客價值?個別顧客的獲利分析報告如何設計?

Quote from 作者為安侯企管副總經理何曜宏、資深顧問謝雨竹

Technorati Profile

2008年3月12日 星期三


顧客關係管理(CRM;Customer Relationship Management)是一套結合客戶服務與銷售、行銷及支援的應用系統,許多企業都瞭解它的重要性。德國Mummert+Partner集團總裁安卓‧亞納(Andreas Achner)指出,進入快速、激烈的競爭,CRM對企業的幫助愈來愈大,因為一旦價格戰開打一陣子,企業會發現削價競爭不再管用,唯有提供良好的服務,才能吸引顧客。


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而對於香港海洋公園市場部經理Vivian Lee來說,巨額投資下,消費者短暫狂歡之後的冷淡是最難以忍受的事情,因而她的任務就是時刻保持香港海洋公園的新鮮——每一次來風景和感受都不太一樣。行銷投入無底洞甚至血本無歸是Vivian Lee最忌諱的事情,尤其是經歷過大的失敗之後——“在2000年,海洋公園曾經花費兩年的時間和6000萬港幣做速降機,剛開始的時候人潮如流,但是遊客體驗之後,卻非常冷清,虧損非常嚴重。” 在Vivian Lee眼裏,一切就像彼得-德魯克所說的那樣“顧客是唯一的利潤中心”,而行銷更是“發掘並維繫顧客並保持持續盈利的藝術”。

“迪士尼是值得學習的物件,但是它們都是死的童話,而我們則是活的幻想,我們一點都不比他們做的差,甚至在很多方面,我們甚至比他們做的還要好。” 在Vivian Lee眼中,迪士尼並非不可一世的對手,“是我們更多的給了迪士尼競爭壓力,撲克牌發牌權似乎現在在我們手裏。”



“與一般海洋公園展示的功能以外,我們更強調互動性和參與性。讓遊客拿望遠鏡看動物顯然沒有讓他們近距離親手撫摸更有趣;與迪士尼不同,在海洋公園所有的東西並不是幻想,沒有什麼東西是不真實的,在參與的過程中,與動物有關的一切才與眾不同。” Vivian Lee說。在海洋公園,遊客可以親手給熊貓做纖維餅,並親自喂他們;遊客也可以在幕後觀察飼養員是如何訓練和餵養海豚,並協助清理海豚籠舍;遊客也有機會親自學習如何辨別鯊魚的種類和性別,並瞭解運送鯊魚的全過程。而這一切,當然都需要額外買單。在海洋公園,即使是遊人餐廳也經過精心的佈置,在餐廳上方是透明的水族箱,遊客可以在用餐的同時,觀看頭頂游來遊去的鯊魚、熱帶觀賞魚類以及種類繁多的水母。

在日常工作中,Vivian Lee最重要的工作就是如何通過每年不斷變化推出的主題活動將全新的體驗給遊客,讓他們由過去的靜態觀賞型轉向參與體驗。

海洋公園為了隨時隨地“恐嚇”遊客,甚至專門推出追蹤“哈囉喂”黑夜女神手機遊戲。香港海洋公園除了萬聖節“哈囉喂”以外,在暑假、複遊戲也會利用3G定位技術配合每次不同的活動主題,讓玩家在真實地點捕捉虛擬鬼怪。配合海洋公園的“蜂鳴式行銷”策略,虛擬鬼怪將會出現于海洋公園街頭主題宣傳活動的附近,當玩家前往捉鬼的時候,海洋公園以鬼怪扮相的演員在真實世界中帶給玩家刺激驚喜。Vivian Lee希望以後在復活節、耶誕節、農曆新年主題活動推廣中能有類似的活動,“因為很多遊客有時間放長假有時間來消費,遊客多,投資很容易收回成本。”在舉辦這類活動的時候,海洋公園還會會做一些集中而有力的促銷活動,促銷禮品多大數十萬份,在新年還有“特殊紅包”贈送,獎品包括汽水飲料、免費小食品、免費門票等等。Vivian Lee認為“禮品是什麼並不重要,重要的是不斷給顧客製造額外的新奇和驚喜。”


在做類似活動的時候,海洋公園會針對不同的客戶群,採用不同的促銷方式,針對兒童、青年人、家庭等不同的物件會有不同的廣告內同和傳播策略,比如年輕人主要側重于時尚類雜誌和網路廣告,兒童則在播放卡通片的時候,而家庭則在電視肥皂劇時段。海洋公園會針對特別活動每次邀請不同的明星嘉賓助陣,比如陳慧琳、楊采妮等,這樣一來比較聚集現場人氣,而來也可以借助明星的新聞效應而經常“免費”佔據娛樂版面直達年輕受眾。Vivian Lee透漏香港海洋公園邀請明星其實從來不需要花錢,因為香港海洋公園本身是非盈利機構,其盈利主要還是用於海洋公園自身的建設,最重要的是香港海洋公園一直堅持“慈善公益活動”,而邀請明星的場合幾乎都是出席公益慈善活動,依靠這一點,自然每年可以省下不少廣告傳播費用。在每次主題活動開展前期都會進行大規模的宣傳活動,電臺、廣播、網路、報紙各種媒介幾乎都會全部覆蓋,讓所有的香港人都感覺到“山雨雨來風滿樓”的架勢,成為全香港的街頭巷議,幾乎所有的人都不得不談論海洋公園,以至於成為一種流行趨勢。

海洋公園在融入香港人生活方面堪稱商業典範,在700萬香港市民當中,有超過10萬人是香港海洋公園的VIP會員。 Vivian Lee在市場調研中分析發現每年遊客中有一半是本地市民,也就是幾乎三分之一、的香港人每年會來海洋公園一次,而維繫本地這些忠實顧客的成本是相對開發新顧客而言非常低的,Vivian Lee每年會親自領導進行兩次大規模的市場調研活動來聽取不同客戶對海洋公園的看法和建議,並組建專門的部門處理這些意見,另外每年會用直複行銷的方式加強互動溝通。

“進行客戶忠誠度研究長達65年之久的Walker資訊公司執行副總裁Phil Bounsall表示,根據調查結果顯示,企業的客戶忠誠度和企業的銷售業績是息息相關的。企業所擁有的客戶忠誠度越高,企業的利潤空間也就越大。在海洋公園進行市場行銷的時候,積極考慮和聽從那些老顧客的意見和建議是至關重要的,我們非常清楚這一點。” Vivian Lee說,孩子被海洋公園列為最重要最不可忽略的顧客,在海洋公園不僅僅開闢單獨的兒童樂園,而且還有轉麼培養孩子海洋生物知識的課堂,與學校非常枯燥乏味的生物課程相比,海洋公園的課程堪稱生動有趣,比如讓小孩子和海豚一起游泳並隨意撫摸他們,以及觀察蝴蝶和水母不同生長期間的變化等等,甚至在舉行盛大主題活動的時候,有各種各樣的小丑專門拿好吃的糖果和禮物逗小孩子開心

香港海洋公園同時非常在意遊客服務的便捷性,不僅僅在7- Eleven便利店、地鐵、巴士站點、電影院、馬戲團等地點可以方便買到門票,由於香港海洋公園位置相對偏僻,所有海洋公園和香港巴士公司進行合作,在各個商業和人流聚集的地方設立非常醒目的免費巴士,不論是外地人還是香港本地人都可以輕易找到。為了吸引內地遊客,海洋公園已經將北京、上海和華南等市場作為戰略性市場重點加以推廣,並和當地旅行社建立了非常好的聯盟合作關係。在深圳香港入關口岸,直接有海洋公園的巴士和服務人員方便內地遊客服務。為了提高顧客滿意度,海洋公園所有的員工都要經過持續不斷的培訓, Vivian Lee非常明白“對待顧客永遠只有一次機會,從來沒有第二次,倘若服務出現疏漏,將幾乎沒有任何補救的機會。”海洋公園非常強調顧客利益之上,這一點不僅僅體現在員工身上,即使高層管理者也不例外。“任何人都不能違反這項特殊的要求,所以即使你看到我們的行政總裁甚至主席在人行道上清理垃圾,也毫不為奇,如果所有的人都敷衍了事,那麼無異於自殺,所以規則一定要不折不扣的執行。”

Quote From

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Microsoft CRM - What can it do for you?

Vedio From

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除了確認計畫目標外,企業尚須瞭解自身問題之所在。以網路行銷(Web Marketing)為例,網路行銷者通常面對的問題有,如何強化廣告訴求、如何創造訪客個人化網頁、如何將關聯性較高的產品置於同一網頁上、如何將相關文章(以資訊為主)加以分類條列、區分不同特質的訪客、統計忽略之資料,以及預測顧客未來之行為模式等等。不同部門間有其不同的業務與資料需求,因此在資料蒐集與分析後,不同部門間即可針對原先設定之計畫方向調整各項行銷策略。

Quote From http://www.nii.org.tw/cnt/info/Report/20020501_6.htm

Technorati Profile

2008年3月11日 星期二


(Customer Relationship Management)簡稱CRM,指的是顧客關係管理。內容包顧客開發、顧客銷售、顧客服務、提高顧客滿意度等。在CRM機制中,將銷售、行銷、顧客服務等資料集中在一個資料庫,業務人員將所有資料輸入此共享資料庫中,如此業務人員可以掌握客戶所需資訊,透過顧客客群分析, 找出客戶的可能的消費行為,針對不同客群區隔規劃相關行銷活動, 以有效提昇銷售率。現今部分企業在運用CRM機制上,主要運用範疇為客服中心,而顧客開發方面,則著重在開發顧客需要的產品,並分析顧客需要的時間點為何,應用的軟體包括資料倉儲 (Data Warehouse)等,在顧客取得方面,則是協助企業尋求並開發新顧客來源。

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近幾年來,顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)算是一個相當熱門的話題,企業界亦興起一陣建置Call Center、Sales Force、Telemarketing、Data Mining等CRM系統的旋風。然而,何謂顧客關係管理?顧客關係管理的本質與目的為何?要取得一致的見解與看法並不容易。本文將介紹作者對於顧客關係管理的看法。

  具體而言,顧客就是可以為企業貢獻財務收益的一方;顧客關係就是顧客與企業之間因交易而產生的各種互動。因此,舉凡是為了維持與顧客持續而長期之交易關係、以增進企業的營業收入而發起的與各種計畫、執行、控制與回饋等程序相關之活動,都可視為顧客關係 管理的一


  顧客價值簡單的說就是顧客對於商品的主、客觀評價;也就是顧客基於需求,在付出一定的成本以獲得利益後的整體評價。當顧客感受到獲得的利益與付出的成 本差距愈大時,該商品對於顧客就愈有價值,顧客滿意度亦隨之提高。因此,顧客價值可以進一步簡化成企業透過創造顧客利益以滿足顧客需求的實現程度。






Quote From: http://www.jaya.com.tw/NEWS/newsletter/20070920/CRM02.asp

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顧客關係管理與資料採礦 (二)


(一) 顧客獲利率(Customer Profitability):




(二) 顧客之獲取(Customer Acquisition):



(三) 交叉銷售(Cross-Selling):




(四) 顧客之掌握(Customer Retention):



(五) 顧客之區分(Customer Segmentation):





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